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DRYMIX Premium Colour Pigments™ (various) are select prime colour pigments. These oxide pigments are beneficiated to strict control standards by world-class colour producers and are manufactured for use in cement-based mixes. Manufactured by Target.

Used For:

  • Creating integral colour to DRYMIX Techture™ finish coat stucco and DRYMIX Parging Mix™.


  • DRYMIX Premium Colour Pigments™ are blended in a high-intensity blender and then compared to standards to ensure that each colour pack is representative to the standard.


  • All DRYMIX Premium Colour Pigments™ are added at the rate of one pack for two – 40 kg bags of the correct DRYMIX Techture Base™ or DRYMIX Parging Mix™.
  • Colour consistency of the finished job, is a product of mix, application and base consistency. Water quantity, drying conditions, or speed of take-up, are important to colour consistency. The thickness and texture consistency of the base as well as the thickness and texture of the finish are also important factors.


Drymix Color Pigment - Various Colors

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